
Digital Redemption Ch.8 Partners

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    After shaking Rune’s paw in friendship, Thorn decided to ask a few more questions about his mysterious friend. 

                “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what are you anyway?” asked Thorn curiously as he released Rune's paw which she returned to her side.  

                Rune smiled warmly at the question, eager to enlighten the young man who was trying so hard to be nice and caring, something which she hadn't experienced in a long time.  “No problem, I’m a Digimon, a Renamon to be more precise.  Let me guess, you don’t know what either of those are, do you?”

                “Not really,” admitted Thorn, a tone of disappointment in his voice since he normally prided himself on his vast knowledge.  “Would you care to enlighten me?”

                “Sure, why not?”  Giggled Rune as her luxurious tail swished below the bedcovers.  “As I said, I’m a Digimon, or a digital monster from the Digital World.  It’s sort of like earth but in cyberspace.  The Digital World is inhabited by many varieties of Digimon, but not all of them act or look like me.” she shrugged as Thorn took in every word with the fascination of a child, completely mystified by this new world which was being revealed to him.  Rune continued to weave her tale of the Digital World and some of its many wonders for almost two hours.  Eventually, Rune began to grow weary and opened up her muzzle in a large yawn, giving the young man another view of her sharp teeth.  However, Thorn no longer felt scared of the vixen and decided that it would be best for Rune to rest. 

                While Rune once again fell into a deep slumber, Thorn cleared the dirty plates from their breakfast and gathered up Rune’s mud-soaked gloves which were lying on the nightstand.  Thorn left his bedroom and the sleeping fox before going to the kitchen sink where he cleaned the dishes and utensils.  After cleaning the plates and putting them on the drying rack, Thorn went to the laundry room and tossed his dirty clothes and Rune’s crimson gloves into the washing machine.  Thorn then set the machine to the appropriate setting and activated the washing machine, watching as it shook and buzzed to life.  Unsure what to do now, Thorn continued through his day as he normally would, spending some time reading while also playing some video games, all the while being tormented by the idea of the Digital World.  In normal circumstances he would have called anyone crazy for thinking that there was something such as another world this one.  However, under normal circumstances, he didn’t have a grey and red anthropomorphic vixen named Rune sleeping in his bed. 

                Deciding it was time to take a nap, Thorn flopped onto the couch which brought a sudden discomfort as something in his back pocket stabbed awkwardly into his right buttock.  “What the heck,” muttered Thorn, reaching his hand into his back pocket, mindlessly assuming it was his car keys.  However, it wasn't a collection of keys which he pulled from his pocket, but rather a strange device which looked somewhat like a phone.  Holding the strange device before him, Thorn examined the strange electrical device closer, realizing that it has some sort of credit card reader down its right side.  The device was primarily black with crimson outlines which reminded him of the color palette of Rune's fur.  The device had one large screen in in its middle and a clip attached to a red lanyard on it's top.  Not wanting to wake Rune in his curiosity, Thorn decided to ask her about the device later once she was awake.  Resting his head back against a pillow, Thorn decided to get some sleep himself to pass the time. 

                Sometime later, Thorn awoke to the irritating alarm of the washing machine loudly signaling its completion.  Without falling to the floor this time, Thorn made his way to the laundry room and transferred the wet clothes along with Rune's gloves into the nearby drying machine.  It was now around lunch time and Thorn was feeling a bit famished and reasoned his guest probably was as well.  After fixing a meal of sandwiches and potato chips, Thorn transported the food into his room on a tray, causing Rune to awaken from her peaceful sleep.  Thorn carried the food to the awaiting vixen who eagerly accepted the meal with a friendly smile.

                “Thank you so much for taking care of me, It's been so long since I've had someone be nice to me... I don’t know how I could ever repay you,” blushed  Rune, thankfulness glittering in her eyes as she balanced the plate on her lap. 

                “No problem,” answered Thorn as he settled down onto the sheets not too far from where Rune had propped herself up.  “It’s my job to help people when I’m lifeguarding at the pool.  I'm glad I could help you out.” 

                Rune’s eyes welled up slightly with tears, knowing she couldn’t stay with this kind young man in case the ones who were hunting her caught up with her.  Thorn had been the first person to show kindness to her in many years, and soon, she would have to leave him out of fear for her life.  She couldn’t let Thorn get caught up in her troubles and she couldn't bear to see him injured or killed by her hunters, nor could she let him know the truth about her past.  She never meant to kill Hawk, her clan’s prince in the Renamon village of Radiance, but nevertheless, it had happened.  The only thing she could do now was flee, flee until they hunted her down and slew her or dragged her back alive for ceremonial execution, both of which terrified her.

                “Are, you alright?” asked Thorn, his concern coming across clearly in his voice as Rune quickly blinked away the tears in her beautiful eyes. 

                “Yea, I’m fine,” replied Rune, burying her muzzle into her sandwich in an attempt to hide her emotion.  She couldn't let Thorn know who she truly was, otherwise he would hate her, just like everyone back in her village. 

                “Um, alright,” conceded Thorn, not completely buying it but deciding it best not to press it any further.  “I have something you might want to see,” switched Thorn to a different subject as he pulled out the mysterious device from his pocket. 

                Rune’s dark eyes widened and her heart started to pound as she recognized what the black and red electronic object was.  Although Thorn was oblivious to what he held in his hand, Rune knew what it was, a Digivice; the symbol of a human’s connection to their partner Digimon.  Suddenly, every thought and notion of fleeing instantly vacated Rune’s mind as it dawned on her that Thorn, the one who had been so kind to her was now her tamer.  Letting out a joyous laugh, Rune leaped out from under the bedcovers and sprang to hug Thorn.  Barely having time to return his sandwich back to his plate, Thorn let out a cry of surprise as the furry vixen tumbled into his arms in an enormous hug.  Normally, Thorn would have frozen rigid in awkwardness, but something about the fluffy vixen made all his nervousness vanish.  Thorn gleefully embraced the vixen in his arms, her soft fur tickling his exposed face and forearms in a pleasant way.

                “What’s the occasion?” laughed Thorn lightly, still rather surprised by Rune's vixen’s sudden mobility along with the softness of her fur. 

                Tilting her head to meet Thorn’s questioning gaze, Rune couldn't help but exude her excitement.  “You’re my Tamer and I’m your Digimon! That device you were showing me is a Digivice,  It symbolizes a partnership between a Digimon and a human!” squealed Rune, completely awash with joy as she embraced the blushing young man for all she was worth.  "This means you're my tamer and I'm your Digimon, we're partners now!” finished Rune, stopping only to elaborate before continuing her embrace of the befuddled young man.

                Somehow, Thorn's smile grew larger as they continued to embrace as Thorn thought about before quickly dismissing the notion of giving the pretty vixen a kiss. Ever since he had first laid eyes on her while she was lying pitifully in the ditch, Thorn had wanted to be her friend and now they were more than that,  they were partners.  Although he wasn't entirely sure what this sudden partnership would entail, Thorn continued to embrace the young Digimon who was still caked in dried mud and slime from the ditch.  The two eventually released each other from their embrace and returned to finish their food, content to be in each others company as they exchanged a word from time to time.  Deciding to treat this like a first date, Thorn suggested they retire to the couch to watch a movie which Rune readily agreed to.  The two settled in comfortably together on the couch as Rune's soft tail found it's way around her new tamer's waist, something which he found to be rather enjoyable.  But as Rune suddenly leaned against him and the two gradually grew more comfortable with one another, they quickly realized it wasn't just friendship they were both desiring, but a something deeper.

Thorn and Rune discover that they are partners and begin their new journey as Digimon and Tamer.
© 2015 - 2024 ThornWolf33
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KoreOfEmAll's avatar You made this go from 100 to 0 over the previous 2 chapters, and in one, you made the romance level shoot up from 0 to 100 on multiple scales. 

Also, there's something I'm curious about...
Abathor said that only those with an ancient power can travel between the human and digital worlds, right? 
Wouldn't that mean there's a serious limit to the number of baddies that can go after Rune?